
Construction work has started on a new golf facility, designed by Jonathan Davison of Create Golf, at the Heipark Tošovice resort near Ostrava in the Czech Republic. The project has been on the drawing board since 2014, but the resort – an all-season destination offering activities including skiing, biking and swimming – had prioritised other...
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Turn up at one of the marquee courses of Scotland or Ireland on a nice summer’s day and you can pretty much guarantee that many of the voices you hear will be American. Arrive at one of continental Europe’s big names, though, and things will be very different: Despite more attention being paid to the courses...
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The new nine-hole Park course designed by Jonathan Davison of Create Golf at Bois d’Arlon Golf and Resort in southern Belgium is now open for private play. The Park course is part of a 27-hole golf complex being developed by Luxembourg-based property investor Roby Schintgen that will also include an eighteen-hole Heath course designed by Stuart Hallett...
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Před více než deseti lety založil Jonathan Davison Create Golf a za tu dobu spolupracoval s několika renomovanými společnostmi, pohybujícími se ve světě golfového průmyslu. Původně přitom studoval grafický design, ale v postgraduálním studiu pokračoval na Edinburgh College of Art, kde získal diplom v oboru golfové architektury. V roce 2007 se přesunul do střední Evropy,...
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A new 27-hole golf complex in southern Belgium, close to the border with Luxembourg, will start construction in June. The Bois d’Arlon Golf and Resort, being developed by Luxembourg-based property investor Roby Schintgen, will feature an 18-hole Heathcourse designed by Stuart Hallett and a nine-hole Park course by Jonathan Davison, and is expected to open...
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Golfová média nás často zahrnují žebříčky či debatami na téma, která hřiště jsou ta nej. Nejlepší, nejtěžší, nejudržovanější… a spousta dalších nej. Já sám jakožto golfový architekt si tuto otázku kladu prakticky neustále. A abych byl upřímný, dobré či skvělé hřiště obvykle neposkládáte z osmnácti fantastických jamek, nýbrž jde o kombinaci a vyváženost jednotlivých částí...
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After numerous heavy rain events in 2020, the club hired the Slovakia-based architectto renovate the bunkers. Davison proposed removing some bunkers to increase playingoptions by providing more width. The remaining bunkers are being reworked to improvevisibility, interest and character.“Work has really progressed well during extremely difficult times, but I think golfers willsee a big difference...
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Set in the heart of Europe, Slovakia features a quiet and relaxed pace of life, with wonderful architecture and medieval castles and cities. For now, the country remains quaint and congestion-free, making for a perfect setting for a golf getaway. Article continues after video advertisement Article continues after video advertisement According to the Slovak Golf...
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“The work has seen a full bunker remodel using Whitemoss Eco’s BunkerMat, someclearing of trees, and the restoration of some fairway lines,” said Davison. “We foundsome aerial photographs from 1949 and an old club booklet which we have used inorder to restore a bunker style and to reintroduce fairway widths.”The project came about after an...
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Designed by Jonathan Davison of Create Golf, the new course is to be built at Golf ParkLhotka near the city of Ostrava in the north-east of the country.The club is already home to a driving range, short game area, putting course and familyorientated clubhouse.“It’s a great little resort and the short course will help people...
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