“The work has seen a full bunker remodel using Whitemoss Eco’s BunkerMat, some
clearing of trees, and the restoration of some fairway lines,” said Davison. “We found
some aerial photographs from 1949 and an old club booklet which we have used in
order to restore a bunker style and to reintroduce fairway widths.”
The project came about after an interview process with the club and head greenkeeper
Anthony Naisbitt in early 2017. Naisbitt and his team started construction for the project
in 2018.
“It’s hard to label this project because we have restored some items, redesigned some
hazards and renovated the bunker construction with modern products,” said Davison.
“The course was redesigned by Mackenzie Ross and it has some really strong
fundamentals – the project was basically how we could restore some lost elements, and
to enhance the visual appeal and the strategy.”
Currently there are six holes complete. “I am really looking forward to finishing holes
nine, thirteen and eighteen which have some really bold bunkering, which we hope to
restore,” said Davison.
The club hopes to complete the work in time for the Cumbrian County Strokeplay in